Blog Post 4: Art Making Skills and Observing

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I am continuing to create and place dots on my project. After doing about one side of the box I ran out of the dots that I made so I had to roll a slab and cut out cubes to make more of them. I am using the same process of scoring and slipping three dots at a time. As I have been doing this I have improved on smoothing out the dots, and I have learned that using a wet sponge is really the best way to do it. It is a little challenging to keep my project from getting to dry because it is taking me a while to to attach the dots. I try to keep wet paper towels wrapped around it while I am not working on it, and also spray it with water when needed. After about two weeks I finally finished all of the dots, a hundred and twenty in total. While observing what I have done, I noticed a few imperfections. Some of the dots were smaller or larger that other, some of the rows were uneven, and the biggest one of all is that one of the sides of the box is bigger than the others. Overall I am happy with how it is turnuing out, now it is off to be fired and then glazed.